2 min read

Congratulations on publishing the first version of your Flutter app. You probably landed on this page because you might need to update the app version of your Flutter app. It is very usual that while uploading the next version of your Flutter, we may forget to update the app version and only come to know by a message from the Play Store or app store. So in this tutorial, we’ll learn how you can update app version in Flutter.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

Understanding App Version

Before we change the app version, it is critical to understand what exactly we are going to change and how it affects our app. Basically, the app version can be controlled from the pubspec.yaml file. There you’ll find the following line:

version: 1.0.0+1
understanding app version

The 1.0.0 (before + sign) represents the build name. The 1 (after + sign) represents the build number.

In Android

The 1.0.0 (before + sign) is used as versionName and 1(after + sign) used as versionCode.

Check here.

In iOS

The 1.0.0 (before + sign) is used as CFBundleShortVersionString and 1(after + sign) used as CFBundleVersion.

Check here.

How to update app version in Flutter

To update the app version in Flutter, you can simply open the pubspec.yaml file and then update the version tag. Inside the version tag, just increase the build number (for Android) or CFBundleVersion (for iOS).

Here’s how exactly you do it

Step 1: Open the pubspec.yaml file.

Step 2: Locate the version tag.

Step 3: Update the build name and number such as version: 1.0.2+2.

Step 4: Open the terminal and hit the flutter clean command.

Step 5: Build the app.

update app version in flutter


In this tutorial, we learned how to update the app version in Flutter with practical examples. We first understood what is app version and how it refers to a different name in Android and iOS and then finally saw the step-by-step instruction on updating the app version.

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