3 min read

The Radio Button widget in Flutter is one of the most used widgets in building the Form. It is used to allow users to make a selection from the set of options. But sometimes you may want to change its default selected and unselected color. So in this tutorial, we’ll see how to change radio button color in Flutter for selected and unselected items

Here’s how it looks after changing color:

change radio button color in flutter

Here’s what we’ll cover:

Steps to change radio button color in Flutter

To change radio button color in Flutter, add fillColor property to the Radio widget. Inside the fillColor use the MaterialStateColor to add the color of your choice.

Here is the step by step instructions:

Step 1: Locate the file where you have placed the Radio widget.

Step 2: Inside the Radio widget, add the fillColor parameter and assign the MaterialStateColor.resolveWith((states) => Colors.green)

Step 3: Change the Colors.green with the color of your choice.

Step 4: Repeat the steps for the other Radio button (Inside the ListTile) as well.

Step 5: Run the app.

Code Example

  title: const Text('Car'),
  leading: Radio<Travel>(
    value: Travel.car,
    groupValue: _travel,
        MaterialStateColor.resolveWith((states) => Colors.green), //<-- SEE HERE
    onChanged: (Travel? value) {
      setState(() {
        _travel = value;


change radio button color in flutter for selected item

Also, see how to add color from hex. By using hex codes, you can easily create colors that match your brand or design vision.

Changing radio button color globally

To change the radio button color globally:

  1. Locate the MaterialApp widget.
  2. Inside the MaterialApp, add the theme parameter with ThemeData class assigned.
  3. Inside the ThemeData add the radioTheme parameter and then assign the RadioThemeData.
  4. Inside the RadioThemeData add the fillColor parameter and assign the MaterialStateColor.resolveWith((states) => Colors.green)
  5. Run the app.

Code Example

return MaterialApp(
  title: 'Flutter Demo',
  theme: ThemeData(
      primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
      radioTheme: RadioThemeData(
        fillColor: MaterialStateColor.resolveWith((states) => Colors.green), //<-- SEE HERE
  home: ChangeRadioButtonColorDemo(),

How to change the radio button unselected color

In the previous section, we saw how to change the radio button color for the selected item. But sometimes you might be looking to change the color for the unselected item. In that case, you can use another property called unselectedWidgetColor.

Here’s is how you use it:

Step 1: Select the Column or Row inside which you have added the ListTile that further contains the Radio widget.

Step 2: Wrap that Column or Row inside the Theme widget.

Step 3: Inside the Theme widget, add the data property and then assign the ThemeData widget.

Step 4: Inside ThemeData widget and add the unselectedWidgetColor parameter and give it a color.

Step 5: Run the app.

Code Example

  data: ThemeData(unselectedWidgetColor: Colors.purpleAccent), //<-- SEE HERE
  child: Column(
    children: <Widget>[
        title: const Text('Car'),
        leading: Radio<Travel>(
          value: Travel.car,
          groupValue: _travel,
              MaterialStateColor.resolveWith((states) => Colors.green),
          onChanged: (Travel? value) {
            setState(() {
              _travel = value;
        title: const Text('Train'),
        leading: Radio<Travel>(
          value: Travel.train,
          groupValue: _travel,
              MaterialStateColor.resolveWith((states) => Colors.green),
          onChanged: (Travel? value) {
            setState(() {
              _travel = value;


change radio button color in flutter for unselected item

Changing radio button unselected color globally

To change the radio button unselected color globally:

  1. Locate the MaterialApp widget.
  2. Inside the MaterialApp, add the theme parameter with ThemeData class assigned.
  3. Inside the ThemeData add the unselectedWidgetColor parameter and give it a color.
  4. Run the app.

Code Example

return MaterialApp(
  title: 'Flutter Demo',
  theme: ThemeData(
      primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
      unselectedWidgetColor: Colors.purpleAccent, //<-- SEE HERE
  home: ChangeRadioButtonColorDemo(),


In this tutorial, we learned how to change radio button color in Flutter with practical examples, we first saw how to change the color for the selected item and later explored how to change the color for unselected items. We also went through the steps to change the color at the app level.

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